Sunday, July 8, 2007

Two Weeks

Two weeks and two days since I arrived Abu Dhabi. Everything is doing well. I've quite adjusted with the new surroundings I have. The place, the climate, the people I am with.

Started my first week of training last week. It's interesting, sometimes boring though, depends on the topic we are learning. It's pretty cool to learn things new things about aeronautics, aircrafts and all the other stuff we have been thought this past week. I also had my first written exam today, I think I did pretty well. I passed the 80% mark so I will proceed to the next level. LoL! We also went ditching today! I expected the activity to be more fun but I guess time wasn't really cooperating with us. We had to finish the whole drill in like less than an hour. Buhoo!

Oh, I bought myself a camera! It is acually the first thing I bought that cost more than a 100 dirhams from very own salary. Feels good that I can buy things I want from my own pocket and not from my parents anymore. Hmm.. so what's next in line? LoL! I don't know yet. I just might save them up.

Ok, laziness strikes again. I'll continue my escapades again soon!

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