Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A night out in Melbourne

For a few days I've been ranting how crew control have been changing all my standby duties and availables into either XX=rest day or OFF. I don't really like complaining about my schedule, I just let it be. I was really grateful when they changed my last standby of the month to a Melbourne flight. Another good thing about it is, the supposedly Moscow turnaround on a Airbus 320 I had was also eaten up by the Melbourne block.

I had no plans to go out in Melbourne, until I saw a friend of mine from Brisbane post a status in facebook that he, and 2 other more of our friends, will be in Melbourne for the weekend. I right away sent him an IM and made plans to meet them. It was all good timing since I was arriving on a Saturday night. Straight from a 14 hour flight, grabbed a light dinner and met them at Seven Nightclub. OK, skip what happened to Seven, it wasn't really fun, we ended up going to Amber Lounge. It was all good. New Friends. Good Music. Booze. Poles and cages. LoL! After clubbing we grab some Mc Donald's and then back to the hotel. Arrived the hotel just before 6AM, Melbourne time. Basically, I was awake for more than 24 hours. Oh wait, I had rest for about 2 hours in the crew bunks in the aircraft. LoL! Going back, I pretty much slept the whole day until wake up call. And then, another 14 hour trip back to the sandpit. LoL!

Jed, Rommel and JR.. Brisbane boys..